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Magische Horusstele

13158b.jpg 13158c.jpg
13158d.jpg 13158e.jpg

On the front of the small stela is Harpocrates, executed in frontal view, in very high relief.
He is naked except for a collar, and wears the juvenile side lock. An undetermined wing-like object is visible behind the left shoulder. He holds an oryx-gazelle in the right hand, and a lion plus two snakes in the left one. A dwarf with a necklace (in frontal view) stands beside him at the left side; a scorpion is depicted above the dwarf. Harpocrates stands on a ledge formed by two crocodiles, facing opposite sides. Underneath two more crocodiles are incised. The usual head of Bes is broken off, only the beard is still visible.
The back has an inscription in eight lines; above is a row of gods: from left to right: a pathaikos (dwarf god), Amun-Re(?), an undetermined figure, Osiris, a pharaoh(?), Min, Horus, Thoth and some kind of animal. The inscription is continued on the bottom of the stela with three lines, and on both sides with one badly legible column each.
The modelling is rather crude; the hieroglyphs are more evenly incised.

الموقع الحالي

متحف الارد بيرسون أمستردام

رقم التسجيل

APM 13158


الأسرة السادسة والعشرون

موقع الإكتشاف

غير معروف




حجر الحية / سيربانتين

تقنية الأثر

منحوت / محفور; مصقول


11.55 cm


6.4 cm


3.9 cm


(1) Oh old man, who rejuvenates himself on his time,
(2) may he drive away Nehaher for me, while Osiris rejuvenates himself. Let
(3) Thoth come . May he, who is on the water, approach you.
(4) Your cool throats are blocked with him, in order that I approach you.
(5) [Do not raise your face,] dwellers on the water.
(6) Behold, he is on his way to Kheri-Aha
(7) [the masters] of the West stand still [...]
(8) [...] Busiris [...]

(9) your mouths, if Nehaher comes to turn your faces.
(10) Your throats will be blocked by Isis. A voice is [...]
(11) Neith, a cry is [...]

(12) ...
(13) ... the udjat-eye is with you ...

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