Egyptian goddess whose Egyptian name ('Setjit') suggests that she originally came from the island of Sehel (in Egyptian 'Setjet') south of Elephantine near Aswan. Since prehistoric times, however, her most important sanctuary was on Elephantine itself. The Pyramid Texts say that the goddess's task was purifying the dead with water from Elephantine. The water of the Nile, and particularly that of the inundation, was considered to come forth from Nun at Elephantine, and thus had a special meaning. Other gods revered in the same region were Khnum and Anuqet. In later times they were regarded respectively as the husband and daughter of Satet. Satet was also the protectress of the southern border of Egypt, she drove enemies away by shooting arrows at them (in Egyptian 'setji'). Representations show her as a woman wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt with antelope horns on either side.