The piece was originally rectangular with four straight sides. One side shows a royal head wearing the blue crown, the other side shows a head wearing a short wig. Both representations are in bas relief and left unfinished. Identification cannot be proved by an inscription, but there is little doubt that the head on the obverse is Akhenaten's. He is often depicted wearing the blue crown, and the exaggerated facial features are typical of his reign. These features are also applied to other royal persons, notably Nefertiti, but, as the curve of the neck is convex, the person depicted is male. The head on the reverse is left at a more advanced stage. The lines are carefully carved and details of the eye are already filled in. The mouth and chin are now missing. The details of the wig are not yet executed. This short Nubian wig was worn by high officials during the Amarna Period as well as by women. Even members of the royal family are depicted wearing this wig. The convex curve of the neck indicating that the head is a man's, it could again be Akhenaten's.