The statuette represents a man in a kneeling position holding a stela in front of him. Both his hands are on top of the stela. The man wears a long, smooth robe; his feet and ankles are visible. He wears a smooth wig that does not cover his ears. The statuette has a base and a back pillar. The whole statuette has been polished.
(1) Adoration of Re from his rising (2) until his setting takes place, by (3) [...] Amenemheb justified. (4) [He says: Hail] Re in [his] shining (5) [and] in his setting! Beautiful is your setting (6) [...] you make the beloved one. I (7) am alone(?) in the morning. May (8) [I] breathe the air that you give me! May I live (9) [...] in the course of every day.
M. Heerma van Voss e.a., Van beitel tot penseel, 1973, 11-12 (nr. E 3)
G.A.S. Snijder (ed.), Algemeene Gids Allard Pierson Museum - Amsterdam, 1956 (tweede druk), 7-8/pl. III
R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, W.M. van Haarlem, Gids voor de afdeling Egypte, Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, 1986, 54, 53/fig. 32 (nr. 5)
R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Egypte, geschenk van de Nijl, 1992, 91, 93/fig. 61